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Website SEO or site optimization

Website SEO or site optimization

Website SEO or site optimization will increase traffic and rank, sell products and view services. With SEO site and site optimization

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Website SEO or site optimization will increase traffic and rank, sell products and view services. Be on the first place of search engines, including Google, with SEO and site optimization. (The contents of this page will be updated) Site optimization or website SEO means site optimization for search engines. Since years ago, users used to type their needs in the form of various words like "gold bracelet", "buy mobile" and others in the search engines and the result was the display of websites related to the search topic. Finally, users would check and enter the first websites displayed in search engines. Today, more than ever, the internet space and searching in it has become a good opportunity for users to save time and money. Today, users search for any topic quickly in search engines. One of the biggest search engines next to Yahoo and MSN is Google search engine. Research shows that Google is not only the most popular search engine in the world, but it is also the largest search engine in Iran and used by Iranian users. It is interesting to know that 100 million Google searches per day are made only by Iranian users, and this is what makes this search engine so important. To be seen in these search engines, website managers are very interested in being seen in the first results of Google, but why the first results? It is better to know that the first rank of the search engine is seen 70% more than the second rank. It is very interesting that the position between the first and second results of the search is not more than a few centimeters, but the number of entries between the first and second results is not comparable, and this makes it more important to be seen in the first results of Google . Optimizing the site will tell you how important SEO can be, and we will talk more about this later.

Site optimization

Site optimization makes your site optimized according to the standards of search engines and Google. After standardizing the site for Google or optimizing the site, the site's links are ranked better and the durability of the links is increased. For content production and professional activity in the field of website SEO, it can be said that the first step in this field is site optimization . After site optimization or internal SEO, it is ready for SEO activity. Even if you register an ad in Google, the cost of advertising will be reduced by using site optimization. Optimizing the site for search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo is a specialized activity and requires various knowledge in the field of site design , website SEO and coding. They help make it. Website SEO or site optimizationIn general, site optimization or website SEO is divided into two parts: internal SEO or site SEO and internal SEO or keyword SEO. Before explaining the general process of SEO, we are going to explain.

The overall process of SEO

As mentioned, SEO means site optimization for search engines. Reaching the first page of Google or other engines is extremely important in today's world, so what websites can enter the first page of Google. Consider that in the keyword site optimization, there are thousands of SEO companies and individuals operating in the country and they want to be noticed by the audience, but only ten sites can be on the first page.

In other words, thousands of sites are competing to reach the top ten of Google, some reach and others don't. In the following, we will examine why some websites never make it to the first page of Google.

So, so far, you have learned about the importance of reaching the first page of Google, so keep in mind that a position of high importance will not be achieved without calculation and logic. Therefore, the search engines established rules that by observing those rules in coding and designing the website, you can get to the first page of Google, but this is not an easy task and it is extremely complicated. The first step is website optimization, which is called internal SEO . That is, the website must be understandable for Google so that the search engine is aware of the activity, content and other things. This section is dedicated to SEO work and they optimize your website through coding and compliance with Google standards. Some of these things are complex and require knowledge of coding and Google algorithm, and some do not require much knowledge and can be easily learned. The next step is external SEO or keyword SEO . After the website is SEO, the most important keywords in your industry are selected and worked on, or in the words of SEO, webmasters. By working on keywords, you will be ranked first on the bottom pages of Google over time, and you will get to the first page with continuous activity over time. Since there is a lot of competition on the first page of Google, for high-traffic words, the activity must continue to stay on the first page, otherwise it will go to the next pages. The methods that were mentioned were organic methods to reach the first page, which we will examine in the following different methods to reach the first page of Google.

What is the internal SEO evaluation criteria?

The question that arises for many people is how to find out if the website is SEO or not or how to find out if the site's SEO is ranked? To answer these questions, the world relies on online SEO site review software, and you can check your site on these sites to find out if your site is optimally ranked. One of the most famous and reliable websites in this field is GT Metrics, you can check your website on this site. However close your site is to 100, the website has an acceptable score in optimization, and how much less than 100 is not an acceptable score for SEO, but if you want to know how to make the site score 100 in GT Matrix, read it. Itroz Digital Agency checks the rank of your site in GT metrics before optimizing the site and then fixes its problems. However, site optimization is not limited to the errors provided by GT Metrics, but our criterion is GT Metrics, and the review of other techniques is related to site traffic and other matters, which are implemented on the site if necessary. But for SEO, the keyword is a measure of progress on Google pages, which lasts from three to six months and in some cases a year. However, Itroz experts provide suggestions by providing specialized methods so that you can get the desired result in a shorter period of time, so if you intend to optimize your website, read this article to the end and get in touch with our experts.

The impact of site optimization

In general, site optimization or internal SEO is a technical and specialized category. Perhaps there is no difference in the site from the user's point of view, but from a technical point of view, two sites with a completely similar appearance can produce two completely different results in search engines. Two websites with the same appearance and both with great content, one without optimization and the other with optimization, two completely different functions. Some people use this gap and put the contents of sites that are not optimized on their site. Some may think that when the content is registered in Google, if another site uses it, it is considered second-hand content, but it is not true in this context. Rather, it might be very strange for you if I say that the position of the article on the optimized site is much higher than that of the first site. So we concluded that site optimization or internal SEO is the first step to get better results in Gool, and content production, keyword SEO, etc. are the next steps in site optimization.

Site optimization methods

In different definitions of site optimization, it is divided into different parts such as hackers, for example, it is called gray hat SEO, etc., but the definition that is common in the world is divided into two categories: organic SEO and inorganic SEO. Organic SEO is called optimization based on principles and following the principles and standards of search engines, and SEO works in a specialized manner and with full knowledge of methods and techniques. And also familiarity with the concepts of coding and optimization. But in non-organic SEO, it is done without considering the above and using the so-called methods of bypassing search engines. But definitely, these two methods have many differences and in some cases irreparable, which causes the loss of your domain and ultimately your efforts, which we will discuss further.

The difference between organic and inorganic SEO

So far, we've looked at optimization in general, but we want to focus a little. In order for you to have a better understanding of the issue, we must mention that reaching the first page of Google is the result of a set of activities in the field of internal and external SEO, if it is followed in a principled way, it is called organic SEO , if it is done unprincipledly, it is called inorganic . But in words that do not have high traffic, two methods will eventually reach the goal, even non-organic SEO will reach the first page faster, but it has consequences that cannot be compensated. Someone who uses the non-organic method to reach the first page of the search engine does not have a proper understanding and knowledge of the search engines, so he tries to bypass the search engines by using software and robots. For example, with the software to increase the Alexa rank, you can fake increase the quality of the site, and in reality, your rank in Alexa will decrease quickly, but after stopping the software, the rank will increase quickly. This software may appear to reduce the rank, but in practice it damages the quality of your site, that is why fake methods are suitable for words with low traffic and you will get results quickly, but it is possible in two ways. One if none of these methods have been applied to the domain before. Second, if the traffic of the word is low, the result is the same and your site should go to the first page, but if the activity stops, the rank will be lost quickly, and if the activity continues for a long time, the domain will be changed through intelligent robots that use intelligence. Artificially, they check the activity of the sites, if they are detected, that domain is penalized and it is no longer seen in the search engine results or it is seen in the end pages.The difference between organic and inorganic SEO

In the end, using non-organic methods will get you to the target quickly in keywords with low traffic and disappear just as quickly, and it is not a good method for long-term investment and using the potential of search engines, but why?

The price of site optimization with non-organic method is lower than organic method, even many employers are not aware of implementing SEO through non-organic method and their criteria is lower cost, but this wrong criterion makes them reach the first page as quickly as possible. From the delivery of the project, due to interruption of activities, they will be removed from the first page or cause the loss of the domain in the long run. Therefore, it is not a good way to earn money because after you reach the first page and you want to benefit from the advantages of the first page and be seen, you will quickly leave the first page after the end of the contract and stop the activities, or if you continue Cooperation After some time, the domain is recognized and you leave the first page, so not only SEO is not a money-making method for this group of people, but it is a loss. But by using organic methods, you will not only get to the first page of Google, but the longevity of the links is very high, because your website has become popular with Google, and by being active on the website, you can be on the first page in more words. If the SEO of the site is done in a specialized and organic way, you can be first in Google in all its keywords in your industry over time.

Website SEO

As we said earlier about website SEO, users look for their needs by searching for different words, for example, "buying gold bracelets", "cctv camera" and... these are the words searched by the user and the web. Sites are displayed that are all related to the searched word. But how to place our site in the search storm of users? A site can be ranked first in Google through various keywords that are related to website SEO . For example, if your specialty is in the field of sales, you can see all your products on the first page of Google. For example, if users have searched for the keyword fireproof paint in Google or see your keyword epoxy paint in the first place. These two keywords are two different products, but different products or services can be directed to the first page of Google with different links. Through keyword SEO, you can specify the important words of your business and provide it to our experts for price review, so that after checking the duration and cost, it will be estimated. Benefit from the opportunity to be seen and searched by users through keyword SEO in the first position of Google.

SEO and Google penalty

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, website SEO or website optimization is a method of standardizing the site for search engines. For this reason, by checking Google robots, your site will be directed to the first rank of Google over time. Google and powerful search engines are trying to force websites to produce classified and specific information in them, that's why they set standards to reach the first page of Google, so that any site that complies with those principles better and more Get a better rank. This is the basic and popular way of Google, but some SEO experts use methods that may have a short-term effect on the rank and position of keywords, but they quickly lose their effect and the link is directed to the next pages. And if these unauthorized methods are used for search engines, Google will blacklist that site, which will cause all the site's credibility, ranks, etc. to be removed. Therefore, be careful that using fake methods not only does not last, but also makes all your efforts disappear. Iteros, as an expert in the field of website SEO or site optimization, recommends basic and practical methods to increase traffic, which will not only increase the durability of your links, but will also receive many points from Google.SEO and Google penalty

The impact time of website SEO or site optimization

As it has been said many times, website SEO or site optimization is a specialized activity in several different parts, and one of those parts is compliance with Google's standards for checking Google robots. Google robots or Google crawler are in charge of checking the sites and estimate the necessary standards to improve the performance of the site. From the beginning of creating a domain, it takes up to 90 days to fully check the crawlers. Of course, Iteros experts can see and apply the changes after a few days, but the final and complete result will be provided by Google after 90 days. This is a general formula for all sites, but in some sites, the time to reach the goal is less and in others it is more, and this time review should be done by the relevant expert, which can provide approximate information in the field of site optimization. you put

How to be first in Google

Strategy is one of the most important factors to reach the first page of Google through website SEO . Businesses are different and the available traffic is different for each of them, so in order to have a reliable and high-traffic site, we need a basic plan to increase our durability on the first page of Google. Different strategies are obtained by specialized study, investigation and experience and finally it can be used in different projects and with the best way of work both costs can be reduced and the best results can be obtained in the shortest time. Iteros digital agency  team analyzes and implements the best strategy and plan to reach the first page of Google by performing various high-traffic projects. Iteros team offers you different ideas to reach the first page according to your budget, but always the best methods in implementing website SEO or optimizing the site require spending time and careful planning for a lasting result without any If there is a problem.

SEO your website

As it was said before, reaching the first page of Google is the result of a series of specialized activities and requires familiarity with the concepts of website design , coding, Google algorithm and full knowledge of the methods provided by search engines, but for those interested who want their website I will provide non-specialized methods as much as possible so that those who are interested can use them. Also , we will provide more content in this field in the future articles of the Iteros Academy SEO category . The first step for a website is to introduce it to the search engine because without registering the site, the domain will not be seen by the search engines, so the domain must be introduced to the search engines. In this article, we have taught how to register the site in the search engines. Part of the optimization is related to SEO in html , which is a specialized part, but you can read about the impact of meta tags in SEO so that you can optimize the produced content. Strong content is like fuel for search engines, but without standardization of the site, no matter how great your content is, it will not be useful because Google is not able to recognize it, but you can optimize your website through SEO experts and then prepare great content. and also generate useful metatags through the provided information. But how to produce content , as well as the key points of producing good content, you can check in these articles. The next part that can be very useful is the optimization of site images, which increases the speed of the site, and finally, the use of backlinks , which has a positive effect on increasing the quality of the domain. According to the users of Itrooz Digital Agency, one of the most complete packages of free quality Persian and foreign backlinks has been categorized with more than 120 free Persian backlinks and 50 quality foreign backlinks that you can back in them for free. Generate an external link. In the future, we will publish more content on site optimization for WordPress content management systems and SEO principles.

Site optimization price

It can almost be said that the price of site optimization for non-organic methods, which was fully explained above, is lower than the price of site optimization using organic methods. Because in the organic method, expertise and time are needed to reach the first page of Google, so the price is higher, but if we want to check in general, the price of site optimization is not certain and depends on the traffic and competitors of that word. The higher the traffic of the desired word, the higher the price of site optimization and vice versa. The method of payment is received in two forms, project and monthly, and it is due to spending daily time to optimize the site continuously until it reaches its conclusion. The most important thing for ordering SEO is apart from the price of the samples of the work done. Website SEO is a highly specialized practice, so paying attention to the completed projects and their quality can guarantee your success and the achievement of your goal, but if it is not the case, it is not clear whether your site will reach its goal or not. We are very happy to share your opinions with us and users in the comments section.

Additional information on website SEO or site optimization

Iteros Digital Agency is trying to provide the audience with up-to-date information related to SEO. You can see the new published content related to site optimization through the SEO category. This information has been updated and is available to you dear ones after entering the academy section through the right column. Many materials related to free backlinks, which are one of the effective factors in increasing the site, have also been published, and materials related to the key points of producing attractive content, as well as how to produce content for those who are interested in producing quality content. It is very useful. Of course, this content is not all the important content related to SEO, but by entering the SEO category, you can read all the content published in this field.

Source » Itroz Academy



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