What is XAMPP and what are its uses?
XAMPP is a powerful web development tool that allows developers to create dynamic and interactive websites.
A thorough review of the most important web design terms will help you better understand the web design industry
A thorough review of the most important web design terms will help you better understand the web design industry and web designer terms. There are specialized terms in website design , and anyone who wants to start designing a website or is looking for a website designer, these specialized terms can be very important from a technical point of view, especially abbreviations. Below is complete information about the most important specialized terms of website design, which should help you understand what website designers are talking about, so I will review the alphabet of website design with the help of Itroz Digital Agency .
Essentially, this capability is for websites that are used by people with disabilities, including visually impaired visitors using screen readers, hearing impaired visitors without the use of audio, blind people, or people with disabilities. other A low-access website is basically impossible for people with disabilities. Accessibility of sites that provide information for people with disabilities (healthcare sites, government sites, etc.) is especially important, although it is an important aspect to consider when designing any site.
Stands for JavaScript and Asynchronous XML. AJAX is commonly used to create dynamic web applications and allows for asynchronous data retrieval without reloading the page the visitor is on. JavaScript handles many of the core functions of the application on a specific page, making it more like a desktop application than a web-based application.
Text that uses a link to refer to your site. This can make a huge difference in your site's search engine results.
The so-called end part of the website is the part that is not visible to users, but they can use its output. The backend generally includes the information structure, programs, and CMS that control its content.
A linker is a link from other sites to your site. They are also sometimes referred to as "trackbacks" (especially in blogs). Backlinks have a huge impact on your sites search ranking. Getting lots of backlinks from highly ranked sites can significantly improve search engine results, especially if those links use keywords in their anchor text.
"Bad neighborhood" refers to the server where your site is hosted. A site that hosts other sites that use spam or do not use SEO practices can be penalized by search engines for being close to those sites. In other words, be very careful what web host you choose, what their terms of service are, and to what extent they enforce those terms if you want to avoid being penalized for what your neighbors are doing. . Linking to bad niche sites can also negatively affect your search rankings.
Bandwidth can refer to two different things: the amount of data transferred or the total data allowed to be transferred from a web host during a given month (or other hosting service's duration) before additional charges apply. Generally referred to as bits per second (bps), kilobits per second (KB), or other metric measurements. Broadband Internet bandwidth (such as dial-up) means slower data loads than high-bandwidth connections (such as cable or fiber).
This term is the carry-over of newspaper publication. In terms of the newspaper, "below the fold" means that the content should be placed in the bottom half of the page. In web design terms, "below the fold" refers to content that is generally below the point where website visitors see it in their browser (in other words, viewers have to scroll to the bottom of the page to see the content).
A website's BOUNCE rate is the percentage of people who leave the site from the same page they entered, without connecting to other pages. This can be a good indicator of website navigation as well as an indicator of the quality of the site's content (a very high BOUNCE rate is not good for either of those things).
Breadcrumbs are like navigational elements, generally displayed near the top of a site page, that show you pages and what they looked like before the page you're on. For example, on a blog, categories might look like Home > Category > Year > Month > Post (or they might be much simpler than that).
Browser refers to the program that a website visitor uses to view a website. Examples include Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, and Internet Explorer.
CACHE/CACHING are those stored or copied (loaded) by a web browser so that the next time the user visits the site, the page will load faster.
CASCADING STYLE SHEETS Short for CSS , Cascading Style Sheets are used to define the look and feel of a website outside of the site's HTML file(s). In recent years, CSS has replaced tables and other HTML-based methods for formatting and arranging websites. The benefits of using CSS are many, but some of the most important are the simplification of the site's HTML files (which can actually increase search engine rankings) and the ability to completely change the style of a site by changing just one file, without having to make changes to the content. .
CLIENT-SIDE refers to scripts that run in the viewer's browser instead of a web server (such as server-side scripts). Client-side scripts are generally faster to interact with, although they can take longer to load initially.
Also known as a CMS, a content management system is a site content management tool that separates said content from the site's design and functionality. Using a CMS usually makes it easier to change the layout or functionality of a site independently of the site's content. It also (usually) makes it easy for non-designers to add content to the site.
In web design terms, a comment is a piece of information in a site's HTML or XHTML files that is ignored by the browser. Comments are used to identify different parts of the file and as reference notes. Good commenting makes it much easier for a designer (whether the lead designer or someone else) to make changes to the site, because it makes it clear which parts of the code perform certain functions. There are different comment formats for different programming and markup languages.
A CSS framework is a collection of CSS files used as a starting point for quickly and effortlessly creating XHTML and CSS websites. They usually contain CSS styles for typography and layout.
Deprecated codes are obsolete codes that are no longer useful and have been replaced by new codes.
DHTML stands for Dynamic HyperText Markup Language, which means dynamic markup language for creating interactive communication between codes and JavaScript, which is known as DOM. Combination of JavaScript and HTML.
In GIF and some other image formats, there is a limited color palette that is used for each image. Because of this, not all colors are represented in the same image. Dither is used to approximate these colors by combining pixels of different colors together.
Abbreviation for Domain Name Service (alternately Domain Name System or Domain Name Server). Basically, this is what converts IP addresses to domain names. DNS servers are provided with the IP address of your web server when you assign your domain name to those servers. In turn, when someone types your domain name into their web browser, those DNS servers translate the domain name into an IP address and point the browser to the correct web server.
The doctype tag specifies the HTML version to use in a document. This has a direct impact on whether or not your HTML is valid.
Abbreviation of Object Document model. It is a cross-language convention for representing objects in XML, XHTML, and HTML documents. Rules for DOM interaction and programming are specified in the DOM API.
A domain is a name that is identified by that website. A domain is associated with an IP address. Domains can be purchased with any combination of letters, hyphens (-), and numbers. Some domain extensions include (.com, .net, .org, etc.), domains can be anywhere from 26 to 63 characters.
Abbreviation of Document Type Definition is one of several languages SGML and XML. This list provides a list of properties, comments, elements, entities, and notes in a document along with their relationships to each other.
Generally means e-commerce. Buying and selling goods online and through websites. Products sold through e-commerce can be physical goods that require shipping or digital products that are delivered electronically.
In XML, an element is the basic building block of any document. Individual elements can contain text, other elements, or both.
Em is a unit of measurement for the size of fonts and other elements on a web page relative to its parent element. A 1em font is equal to the point size for the font already defined in the parent element (2em will be double the size; .5em is half the current size).
A CSS style is written at the head of an XHTML document. It only affects the elements on that page instead of the entire site like a separate CSS file. A style in an embedded stylesheet overrides styles from the linked CSS file.
The former is the measurement of the height and size of the font relative to the height of the lowercase letters "x" in that family.
XML is a markup language used to write custom markup languages. In other words, XML describes how to write new languages (sometimes called "meta" because of this). It also serves as a basic term that allows different types of computers and applications to share information without the need for different conversion layers.
Customizable icons are displayed next to the web address in most browsers in the web address bar. They have 8-bit or 24-bit color depth and are saved in .ico, .gif or .png file formats.
Front-end is basically the opposite of Back-end. It is all the components of the website that the site visitor can view (pages, images, content, etc.) More specifically, it is the user interface that visitors use to access the site content. It is sometimes referred to as a user interface.
Hexadecimal, also called Hex for short, is a number system based on 16 and 16 symbols are used to display it. Numbers 0 to 9 normally (that is, the same numbers 0 to 9) and numbers 10 to 15 with letters A (ten), B (eleven), C (twelve), D (thirteen), E (fourteen) and F ( fifteen) show. They are most commonly used in CSS documents and color palettes.
Contrary to popular belief, HIT does not mean visitors to a website. A HIT is actually a request for a single file from your web server. This means that a page can actually generate multiple hits, as each page generally has more than one file (an html or other main file, a css file, multiple images, etc.) and each time the page Loads are requested from any server.
The .htaccess file is a default directory-level configuration file on Apache servers. They are also known as "distributed configuration files". The configuration information in the .htaccess file applies to the directory in which the file is located, as well as all its subdirectories. Things like authorization and authentication, URL rewriting, cache control, and custom error responses can all be specified in the .htaccess file.
Abbreviation for HyperText Transfer Protocol. HTTP is a set of rules for transferring hypertext requests between a web browser and a web server.
Similar to HTTP, HTTPS stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol over SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) or alternatively, HyperText Secure Transfer Protocol. Like HTTP, it is a set of rules for transferring hypertext requests between browsers and servers, but this time over a secure and encrypted connection.
A hyperlink is a link from one web page to another, either on the same site or connecting another page. Generally these are text or images and are highlighted in some way (the text is usually emphasized or given a different color and weight). The inclusion of hyperlinks is part of "hypertext".
Hypertext is any computer-based text that contains hyperlinks. In addition to simple text and links, hypertext can also include presentation devices such as tables or images.
A meta tag is an HTML tag used to include meta data in the header of your web page.
NAVIGATION refers to the system that allows website visitors to move around the site. Navigation often looks like menus, but navigation includes links within pages, related links, pagination, and other links that allow the visitor to move from one page to another.
OPEN SOURCE refers to the source code of a computer program that is publicly available. Open source software includes web-based and desktop applications. Open source programs are generally free or very inexpensive and are developed by teams of people, often made up of volunteers.
A PAGEVIEW is a request for the entire web page document from a server by the visitor's browser. In other words, for every page view your site has had, someone (or a search engine spider) has looked at that page.
Short for "permalink" Generally used only in blogs, a permalink is a link that is the permanent web address of a given blog post. Since most blogs are constantly changing content, it provides a way to re-read bookmarking or linking to specific posts even after those posts have left the main page or main category page.
A plugin is a bit of third-party code that extends the functionality of a website. It is often used in conjunction with a CMS or blogging platform. Plugins are a way to extend the functionality of a website without having to reset the original coding of the site. Add-ons can also refer to bits of third-party software installed on a computer program to enhance its functionality.
An attribute is a CSS term and is roughly equivalent to an HTML tag. Attributes are how a style appears on a particular web page.
Refers to the physical number of pixels displayed on the screen (eg 1280x1024). Unlike printing, screen resolution does not refer to the number of pixels or dots per inch on a computer screen, as this can be changed by changing the screen resolution (which, of course, does not change the physical size of the screen). Presence is often referred to as image resolution in pixels per inch, although this has very little effect on how the image appears on the screen.
It generally refers to a part of code in an HTML page that makes the page more dynamic and interactive. Scripts can be written in many languages, including JavaScript.
A TEMPLATE is a file used to create a consistent design on a website. Templates are usually used in conjunction with a CMS and contain structural information about how a site is set up, but also information about how the site should look.
Valid web pages are those that return no errors based on the HTML / XHTML type that is not specified in the doctype declaration at the beginning of the file. In other words, the code used in the page conforms to the specifications for its version for HTML / XHTML. This can be checked through various validation services, usually the W3C service.
A web page is a single document, generally written in HTML/XHTML, for viewing in a web browser. In many cases, web pages involve programming and other programming (such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, or ASP). Websites are usually made up of several web pages linked together.
A web server is a computer that has installed software and a network that allows it to host websites and pages and make them available to Internet users located elsewhere. There are a few different setups that can be used for a web server, including the previously mentioned LAMP setup.
Source » Itroz Academy
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