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The sixth training session of the WooCommerce management panel

The sixth training session of the WooCommerce management panel

We are with you with the video of the sixth training session of the WooCommerce management panel from the WooCommerce online 

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We are with you with the video of the sixth session of the WooCommerce management panel training from the WooCommerce online store management panel training series , with the topic of reviewing the past cases, which we  will review in the form of a video at the Academy of itroz Digital Agency .



In the fifth training session of the WooCommerce management panel, we reviewed the important points of the previous sessions and discussed all the points that were left over from the previous sessions.

By watching the previous videos so far, you can install free templates or commercial templates on WooCommerce.

You can define a menu for your template and place it in different parts of the template.

In this session, we want to teach you how to create products.

The sixth training session of the WooCommerce management panel

As mentioned in the first session, we use the professional format or business format in this training.

Because professional templates have more features than free templates.

For example, as shown in the video, after installing this template, you can add its demo to the template.

By doing this, by default, different sections of the store are easily added to WordPress.

Now you can either edit the same products or create a new product.

To create a new product in WooCommerce, we first enter the subject of the product, which we considered as a default watch.

After creating the topic, we need to enter a text for our product.

As you can see in the video, two text boxes are displayed for us, each of which has a different use.

After that, we create a unique address for our product.

One of the most useful parts of products are their images. Some products have one photo and others have several photos, which we teach all of them how to add to the product.

In the continuation of the sixth training session of the WooCommerce management panel, we want to discuss an important part, and that part is the tags.

You can create several labels for a product. Tags on the site behave similar to hashtags on social networks.

But you should pay attention to how and for what purpose you use them.

Because the wrong use of tags can affect the SEO ranking of your website.

Additional features for product creation

In the continuation of the training, after entering the above information, you need to associate a certain category with that product.

One of the important parts in creating a product is the product information, which we examine each and every part of it.

In the general section, you can specify the price of the product or define a special price for it.

In the warehouse section, you can define an ID for the product or enter the inventory.

After entering the inventory, you will be notified if the number of products reaches the minimum.

In the shipping section, you can enter the weight and dimensions of your product.

If your store is related to the post office, this section must be completed.

In the related products section, as the name suggests, you can add products that are related to this product.

After you have entered the product information, we will review the release section and fully explain the statuses.

And at the end of the sixth session of the full management panel training, we will review the created sections. Watch the full video of this training below.

Source » Itroz Academy

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