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Internet Marketing Success in Online Business

Internet Marketing Success in Online Business

Internet Marketing Success in Online Business What is Internet Marketing What is Social Media, Online Advertising and 

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Guarantee success in online business with internet marketing . Internet marketing is very easy to talk about but it is complicated in practice. In this article, we want to review the important topics of internet marketing and analyze the success factors in online business. Follow up later

Internet marketing is a set of marketing methods in online business. As traditional marketing includes its own methods, this marketing also has its own methods. Before starting, note that the basis of online business is website design, do not neglect it.

Good website design has a significant impact on internet marketing because the basis of all internet marketing methods requires having a suitable platform for complete and targeted introduction. Now, what features a good website should have is a very important point that we will discuss in the future. Now, assuming that you are using a good website with all the facilities, continue with Itroz .

What is internet marketing?

When I was searching on the internet regarding the word internet marketing , unfortunately, I came across famous websites that wrongly introduced internet marketing, so I wanted to present a correct introduction of this type of marketing to the audience.

The methods of introducing anything (products, services) in various internet methods are called internet marketing. The definition of internet marketing is different from the type of internet businesses such as B2B and B2C businesses. So make no mistake. As in traditional markets, people used marketing methods to sell or introduce services and products, in the Internet, people use Internet marketing methods to achieve success, growth and more sales.

Internet marketing methods

Now that you are familiar with the meaning of internet marketing, it is better to deal with internet marketing methods. It is better to know that the number of Internet marketing methods is many and introducing them can be boring, but for a better understanding of the whole thing, Iteros has made a graphic tree of Internet marketing and will explain each branch of it.

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social media

Social media is one of the giants of online business because it has a lot of power and has a great impact on online business. Through social media, you can have more interaction with your contacts and introduce your products and services more powerfully.

What is social media?

Web-based programs that allow companies and organizations to create and exchange their content, images, videos with their contacts. Today, with the expansion of the Internet, the spread and development of smartphone and tablet technologies, the field has been paved more and more for social media, until today, according to statistics, the importance of social media is increasing from the mass media, and internet marketing is important. It is high and it is predicted that it will have a growing trend in the coming years. Since the future of technologies is on the Internet of Things and such technologies, a bright future can be predicted for social media .

Types of social media

Social media is made up of different types, which we discussed in detail in the social media article, but in this article, I will examine some of its features.

From ha

Forums are one of the oldest platforms for creating and exchanging communication between individuals and companies. Even with the passing of years, the validity of the forums has not decreased and it has many followers. In terms of our work, we can give an example of two well-known forums. Iran web hosting forum, which is one of the oldest information exchange forums in the field of websites, and the other is a security and hacking forum. Forums are also called forums and forums, but all the names have the same function.

Forums are created in two ways

1. Forums that are the main site: When you enter the website of these forums, you enter the forum at the beginning of the entry, like Iran's web hosting site.

2. Forums that are a part of the site: These forums are placed in a part of the site and you enter that part by clicking on it.

Structure of forums

As mentioned, the task of forums is to create and exchange content, images, videos, links, etc., and it needs to be organized in a structure. Therefore, the main structure of forums consists of groups with related topics. For example, on the web hosting site of Iran, as it has been specified, this forum is active in the field of web and hosting, therefore, it has created groups with this topic, each of these groups includes a subgroup, which is also called a forum room. Each of these rooms contains a specific topic and is managed by one or more officials.

For example: training group » training room » topics related to the room

How to use forums

To use the facilities of the forums, users must first register in it. After registration, a profile will be provided to them so that they can manage the issues created later. After membership, users can go to their desired room and register the desired topic so that they can exchange opinions with other members.

The advantage of using forums

Some advantages of the forum

  1. A platform to exchange opinions
  2. Create questions and answers
  3. Buying, selling and introducing products or services

Being active in forums brings you closer to Moffitt in online business.


Blogs are not only one of the oldest internet services but also effective and very popular in online business . The blog provides a dedicated space for the user to expand the work according to his own taste. Advantages of the blog:

  1. Dedicated space for the user
  2. Free use
  3. The possibility of creating content, images, video and...

Factors of the popularity of blogs among Internet users. Blogging services are so popular that blogging has been recognized as a multi-year career and pays well.

Blogger is one of the first blogs in the world that is still very popular. This service was created by Google, and this makes it not lose its popularity easily. Blogger has been developed since the first day of its activity and provides good services for bloggers. Blogging is also very popular in Iran, and many blogging services operate in this field. One of the oldest and most popular blogging services is Blogfa , which was very newsworthy in recent years when the servers of this service were changed. If you are interested in creating a blog, see the list of the most popular Persian blogs .

To use blog services, it is enough to find the best and most popular Persian blogs that we have introduced and enter their website, create a user account, then start creating content and... You can start your own specialized blog to develop your online business.

Blogs are also useful for internet marketing and some earn money by creating a blog and posting content.


Microblogging are blogs for publishing instant content on social networks. Of course, these services are a subset of social networks today, but they are actually microblogging. Membership in microblogging is free, but users can only create 140 characters of content. Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging, and its popularity is due to the ease of its facilities and intermediary tools for sending tweets. Most of the published content is not sent through Twitter, but through intermediary tools.


For you, wiki can be associated with Wikipedia, and this is not a misconception, but Wikipedia is one of the most famous wiki websites. But what is a wiki? Wiki is a website for publishing content and editing it, but the content is created and edited by users. Similar examples of wiki , for example, Wikia, WikiHow, and Wikinews are other examples of sites that operate based on the wiki model.


If you are interested in publishing audio and video files, using podcasts or podcasts is a good option. Podcasts are Internet websites for publishing audio and video files on the Internet. Edcasts, like personal video recorders (PVRs), are part of a shift in media consumption patterns that allow users to watch and listen to audio and video content whenever they choose. Since old times, users could publish their audio and video files on the Internet, but one of the advantages of podcasts is the ability to share and follow files through RSS.

Content communities

Content communities are like social networks, such as Twitter and other social networks. This service is similar to other social networks, but they provide users with special features. The filckr site in the image field and YouTube in the video field are examples of content community services. Yahoo's filckr website is a photo sharing website, with the difference that you can edit your images in this service, and Google's YouTube service is also a video sharing website with online editing capabilities. This editing format differentiates websites and makes them different from content communities . Posting videos on social media will bring you closer to online business success. Note that the audience gets a better understanding of your business by viewing the image.

Social Networks

Social networks are the best option for sharing content due to their popularity. Social networks have grown significantly in the past years and their popularity is increasing daily. Social networks are expanding, we introduce them in different categories.

Content creation social networks: There are social networks where content, video and images can be shared, but the focus of these social networks is on content. Facebook, MySpace, Twitter are some of these content creation social networks. Among Persian social networks, we can mention Facebook and Club.

Video production social networks: These social networks are focused on video production and facilities in this regard. The most famous YouTube video sharing service and its Iranian equivalent is Aparat.

Image production social networks: These social networks focus on image production, and one of the most famous of them is flickr. Unfortunately, the representative Iranian social network does not exist in this regard, but recently, an Iranian social network was created with the aim of producing images created under the name of Lensor.

Application social networks: Today, social networks are divided into two general categories. Desktop social networks and mobile social networks, application or mobile social networks are a new form of social networks that are specially designed for mobile use. If you have a smart phone, you can install these applications on your phone. Telegram and Instagram are among the most famous social network applications. The use of mobile applications plays an effective role in the success of online business.

public relations

Public relations is effective in any business. An old structure in organizations and companies that have been familiar with it for a long time. Just as traditional public relations was effective in organizations and companies, it is also very important in online business. Unfortunately, some people ignore the importance of public relations in online business, but Iteros advises you to implement the right method in the long run of Internet marketing public relations has a great impact on online business.

The difference between traditional and internet public relations

As you know, an organization benefits from customers, suppliers, employees, investors, legal and government institutions, distribution network, NGOs, etc. The focus of the marketing unit is on creating and maintaining a profitable relationship with customers, the public relations unit must establish and maintain this profitable relationship with all the stakeholders of the organization, of which the customer is one of them.

In traditional public relations, the public relations and marketing departments are not closely related due to their different tasks, but in Internet public relations, these two departments have become very close to each other, and it is better for companies to review and improve this structure for success in online business . The most important point and the main difference between the traditional public interface and the Internet is the integration of these two parts with each other, which can have a great impact on Internet marketing .

Public relations in online business

Public relations in online business is responsible for thinking and preparing the necessary infrastructure to use the potential of online business. With the necessary measures, this department can have a good interaction in the implementation of new methods of online business. Having a strategic plan is one of the most basic things in internet public relations. To succeed in online business, change the public relations structure of your organization or company and develop an organized and strategic plan by consultants and experts.


Online advertising

Another factor of success in online business is online advertising . Today, there are many ways to advertise on the Internet. When we examine some articles on online advertising, some people believe that advertising is not a cost and that it should be advertised in different titles, but we do not agree with this. Expenditure without a purpose remains like gas waste, expenses without a conclusion or with an unfavorable result, so we recommend that you advertise purposefully. Be sure to allocate part of the income to advertising. But in advertising, you will get the best results when your advertising infrastructure is ready. This is a very important issue and we will definitely talk about it in the next articles.

As in traditional business, there are different advertising methods, such as advertising in mass media, environmental advertising, etc., in online advertising, you can do advertising in the same way, but with Internet methods. We will explain online advertising in the following , but we recommend that you do advertising on the Internet with review and advice.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is known as marketing, but it works like a double-edged sword, so it is also seen in the advertising branch. Affiliate marketing system is one of the effective methods in online advertising. If you want to check all aspects of the affiliate system, read the affiliate marketing system article. The affiliate system has four main players: product, network, publisher and customer. Affiliate system introduces your products to publishers and publishers direct customers to you and receive their commission. You can directly benefit from the affiliate system on your site or use the websites that serve the affiliate system.

Affiliate marketing system is an efficient system and provides various methods of profiting through the site. But this system is not used in the first layers of advertising and is considered a support in online advertising, but it guarantees the sustainability and growth of your organization. Be sure to read the specialized article on affiliate marketing to get to know all the angles of affiliate marketing. Success in online advertising does not happen overnight.

Click Advertising

Click advertising is another form of advertising that focuses directly on the audience. Unlike the affiliate system, click ads are present in the first layer of ads and direct the audience to the target. Today, click ads are available and applicable on a wide scale. One of the advantages of this ad is paying for each click, and you don't pay for displaying the ad. It is very unusual and we will explore it further

How click ads work

Websites serving click ads have two main players: 1. Advertisers and 2. Advertisers

Advertisers: There are people who enter the service to advertise their business or products

Advertisers: There are people who have active internet websites and want to earn money from this system.

So, the first category, which includes advertisers, after joining the click advertising system and selecting the desired campaign, they request to display their ad by paying the fee, and the advertisers are people approved by the advertising system and active websites in specific or general fields. have. According to the grouping, your ad will be displayed on these websites. Your account is not charged when the contacts see your ad. When they click on the ad and are redirected to the desired page, your account is charged.

Targeted and general advertising in click ads is an advertisement that, according to the topic of your activity, ads are displayed on sites related to your business and increase the percentage of visits to the site.

Adchoices is one of the most famous click advertising websites in the world, but fortunately, we can refer to similar examples in our country, such as Saba Special, anetwork, and Click Yab.


One of the oldest methods of advertising on the Internet, which is still used by many businesses. In the topic of online advertising, we have discussed all aspects of the advertisement and in this article, we are limited to a general review. If you want to have complete information about the advertisement, read the article of online advertisement. You enter your profile by registering on the advertisement websites and from there you can insert your ad. Inserting the ad includes the title and content of the ad, group selection, contact information, etc. After completing all the items, your ad will be posted on the site.

Advertising on advertising sites is free and paid. Of course, paid ads have better feedback compared to free ads.

e-mail marketing

Through email marketing, you can send thousands of targeted emails daily. Email marketing is an effective way to introduce online business services and internet marketing . Bulk emails can be sent in two general ways. 1 through email sending services 2 through email sending servers

Before you send a mass email, check a few things. In what scale is the email sent? What groups do your contacts include? What is the title and text of your mass email? Here are some things to consider before sending a bulk email. Sending mass email through the first method is very simple but expensive. From there it is simple because you use the email server for mass sending and the server site provides you with all the facilities and charges for it. You can choose your desired group by joining these websites and start sending bulk emails. But in the second method, you need the necessary expertise and study of email marketing .

Email marketing has been popular since the past, but do you know why? In mass email marketing, the percentage of your ad being seen by responsible people, especially senior managers of organizations and companies, is higher than other ads. In most companies, access and checking of info emails is available to the manager and he checks these emails. Now, with a little precision and creativity, you can be seen by the most decisive member of the company.

The right title and text have a large percentage in the success of email marketing. After that, using an up-to-date email database is another effective factor because if you don't use an up-to-date database and the email database is from ten years ago, it will greatly reduce the percentage of active emails. But updated databases have active emails. In the future, we will teach you so that you can get up-to-date emails if you wish.

Internet directories

Directories are the father of internet advertising because it is one of the primary advertisements in online business and its respect is obligatory. Internet directories work like search engines. Directories have been influential in our lives since before the Internet and today they are influential in the form of the Internet. Internet directories have classified lists and you can register your business in the relevant group. By registering the business in the directories, it can be searched both in the directory itself and in search engines.

Directories, like search engines, are an effective method in online business internet marketing and help your business to be seen more, but they are very different from search engines. All registration and grouping steps in internet directories are created by people and it is more accurate, but in search engines, the registration steps are done by robots and the percentage of errors is high, and it must be through site optimization for search engines or SEO. improve the

To register a link in internet directories, you need to register in it and enter the necessary information in it. There are several ways to register a link in directories. Free link registration in the directory, link registration with payment and link exchange

Free registration of links in the directory: Some directories only have free registration and payment, but the main difference between these two methods is the search in the directory and the lack of link quality, nofollow. Your link will be registered on the site, but it cannot use the quality of the site's rank.

Registering a link by paying a fee in the directory: By paying a fee, your link will be displayed with the quality of the site's rank, and this has an effect on improving the rank of your site.

Link exchange in directories: Some directories are interested in link exchange and link insertion is done on this site when you insert the link of the directory site on your site.

List of link registration in directories

Finding high-ranked internet directories that will improve the quality of your site is a difficult task, so we decided to publish a list of these high-ranked directories for you. This list contains more than 500 high ranking directories. Click to view and register the link in the directories for free .


Search engines

Hurry up if you want to be seen in the search engines, otherwise you will have to spend a lot and constantly. Today, most users follow their needs through search engines, and this has increased the importance of search engines. As the number of search engine users increases, its importance increases, and as the number of websites increases, it becomes harder to be seen in search engines. Ten years ago, if you wanted to start an internet business, you could be seen on the first page of search engines after some internet activity and inserting content related to your business , but today, you can only be seen in search engines with the following methods. . The importance of search engines has created these methods. But before that, it is better to check the structure of search engines like Google.

When you search for an article in Google , you will come across a page where the relevant articles can be seen. Content in the middle of the page and sometimes content and links at the top and side of the page. But these two observations are completely different, we will discuss each of them below.

Site optimization for SEO search engine

SEO is a method to optimize the site for search engines, which includes coding and programming techniques and methods that better introduce the website to search engine robots. As mentioned in the directory section, one of the major differences between the directory and the search engines was in the creation and editing by the user and the robot. As you know, search engines are managed by robots and these robots are responsible for indexing and collecting information, so if the site structure is not in accordance with the understanding of robots, unfortunately the site will not get good results in search engines.

Search engine robots do not know the meaning of words and they categorize and collect content with special commands. On the other hand, all internet website owners want to be seen in search engines because it is an excellent platform for advertising and increasing sales, so all sites are trying to come to the first page of Google. Any website that has better SEO will be in the first results of these searches.

Another advantage of SEO is its low cost compared to the PPC method. In SEO, you pay once for a long time and get on the first page and stay on the first page for a long time. Your durability depends on the traffic of that page and other websites, the more activity of other sites, the sooner they will be replaced. One of the disadvantages of SEO is its time-consuming nature. Getting to the first page of Google requires time and it doesn't happen all at once, but if you want to get to the first page of Google overnight, you can use the PPC method, which we will examine below. If you want to be seen on the first page of Google with a one-time fee, be sure to pay attention to SEO.

PPC method in search engines

The content you see above or next to search engines is PPC, but what is PPC? PPC is a way to advertise on the first page and even up to page 3 of Google. PPC stands for pay per click. In the PPC method, it doesn't matter if your site is on the second page of search engines or not at all, but you can get to the first page of search engines overnight with a fee.

As mentioned, PPC means pay per click, so when users have searched for the desired keyword and seen your ad, you will not be charged, but when a user clicks on your ad, the cost will be deducted from your account. will be If you want to know more about search engines and methods of advertising in them, read the article about the effect of search engines on increasing visits.

Registration of site address in search engines

If you have registered a domain , you know that when you enter the site address in search engines, you will not see any results and the site will not be viewed. The reason is that the site address is not registered in search engines. In order for search engines to show your website, you must register its address in the search engine.

Itrouz has provided you with a free link to register the site address in search engines so that you can register the site link yourself.

Click to register the site address in search engines.

Source » Itroz blog

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