Market analysis in digital marketing
Market analysis in digital marketing, customer identification and marketing strategies to attract target audiences.
What is telecommuting? The Persian equivalent of telecommuting and teleworking all mean telecommuting.
What is telecommuting? The Farsi equivalent of telecommuting and teleworking all mean telecommuting. In this article, we will discuss the concept of teleworking. We have a complete look at how teleworking, necessary infrastructure, mental health and also the future of jobs, and you can get a lot of information related to teleworking through other contents of itroz Digital Agency .
Telecommuting is a way of working remotely that allows you to do things remotely. Remote work or so-called English WFH stands for Work For Home.
Telecommuting in Farsi means teleworking and teleworking in Farsi means that the business activity is done outside the workplace such as home, cafe, library or any place other than the workplace. There are several misconceptions about telecommuting.
What does it mean that everything is not telecommuting? Some jobs do not have the possibility of teleworking and their job does not allow them to do this, such as dentists, hairdressers, mechanics and all jobs that must be physically present to do the work.
But some jobs, especially in the fields of sales and marketing, customer service, health care, computer and information technology, education, have the possibility to do their activities remotely. For example, a web designer can work remotely without being physically present at the workplace.
But some activities that need to be done outside the workplace, for example, delivery of postal parcels, are not called telecommuting, or some businesses require activities outside the company, such as disobedience to the production line, etc., their presence at the workplace limits.
These activities are not called teleworking and are considered missions. In the following, we will talk more about the meaning and concept of remote work.
Remote work can be done through technology and it is not a new thing, but it was first introduced to the world in 1970 through Jack M. Niles. Jack M. Niles was the first person to officially present his research and thoughts regarding teleworking.
If your job qualifies for telecommuting, you can do your work-related activities anywhere by using information technologies.
As it was said, the teleworking category is not a new topic and it was raised years ago, but due to the lack of technological advancement in those years, it could not grow significantly. The events of today's world due to the corona virus epidemic made them look to preserve the ecosystem of their businesses. have special tele-commuting. Of course, today, with the help of technology and various software, the dream of Jack M. Niles can be fulfilled completely and comprehensively.
Remote work is not only a change in doing things but also a change in lifestyle. People who want to do things through telecommuting should ask themselves the question, can they be successful in this field or not?
Do teleworking people have the characteristics or do they need to learn the necessary skills? Maybe you are interested in teleworking but do not have the necessary skills. If so, we assure you that there is more to learn than teleworking people's characteristics, and you will after Reading this article, you can learn the necessary skills to become a successful employee in two ways.
So far, we have tried to introduce you to the meaning of dual work, but what characteristics should a remote worker have, which we will examine further.
Source » Itroz Academy
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Market analysis in digital marketing, customer identification and marketing strategies to attract target audiences.
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