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What is hosting and the right hosting choices

What is hosting and the right hosting choices

What is a host? How to choose the right host? Do you want to put your website on the Internet?

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What is a host? How to choose the right host? Do you want to put your website on the Internet? If you want to know everything about the host, follow us until the end of the article.

What is hosting?

Web hosting is a service that makes the information and content of a website available to the public. The information of your site (site source) is placed on the server space of which you are a part and can be seen on the Internet. A host is a small part of a server whose resources are limited and provides facilities such as space, bandwidth, email, database, etc. The hosts are managed through the control panel, which we will check their types below. And entering the control panels through the dedicated port of each control panel is added and accessible through the server IP or domain name. Please note: the site host is the main part and the heart of a site, if its settings are changed or a file is deleted, the website will face problems. Therefore, it is recommended that if you do not have sufficient knowledge of hosting management, you should refrain from making changes in it separately. Because it can have irreparable consequences.

Host differences

As mentioned above, the host is installed and implemented on the server, so the main difference between the hosts is the hosts' operating systems. Servers with Windows Server operating system and servers with Linux operating system. In general, server and hosting software can be divided into two categories, but why? If your server is a Windows server, you can use ASPX.NET (aspx.NET) programming, which is supported by Microsoft, and this system is compatible with Oracle and SQL Server databases. But if the server is Linux, you can only benefit from PHP programming and you can use control panels such as Plesk, cPanel and Direct Admin to manage hosting. The software of these two operating systems are not compatible with each other, and for several years it has been possible to load PHP sites only on the Windows server. Therefore, note that if you choose a Windows host, the programming and software are different from the Linux operating system. For example, if your website is written with .NET programming, you should not choose a Linux host for it. Or if you want to write your website with .NET, you must have information about Windows hosting or vice versa.

Note: The operating system of the hosts has nothing to do with the operating system of your computer

Types of host control panels (Windows server) Windows hosting servers are used for people who use ASPX (aspx) or .NET programs and MSSQL databases, and hosting companies provide various control panels for users to manage their hosting space. They provide them with slow control and management, the most used of which include the following control panels: Control Panel (DotNetPanel) This control panel is completely based on Net Framework technology. and are compatible with all types of Windows and are used for sites that use PHP or programming language and are more complete than other control panels. Plesk It is one of the most widely used control panels, it is usually under Windows and is used for sites that use ASP or programming language. Of course, it is also used on Linux. This control panel is easy to use and is liked by the user, and a large number of users use the Plesk control panel. Helm This control panel is one of the strongest Windows control panels and you can manage one or more servers together with this control panel. And this control panel is recommended as the most secure control panel. Website Panel This control panel allows you to manage your server with a strong structure.. With the website panel, you can control your site, FTP account, databases, etc. from the management section. Aryanic HighAdmin This control panel can be accessed through smart phones and based on Net Framework. Is implemented. What is hosting, the right hosting choices Types of host control panels (Linux server) Cpanel Cpanel is a unix-based control panel that provides a graphical interface along with automation tools to facilitate the process of hosting a site. Millions of websites around the world use cPanel. Cpanel offers you complete control over operations such as database creation, site file management, email account creation, and autoresponder. Cpanel offers three structural levels. Its facilities exist at the levels of representatives, administrators and end users so that they can control the site from different directions and through standard browsers. In addition to the graphical interface, cPanel also has a command line that allows software vendors, web hosting organizations, and developers to automate management processes. Direct Admin Direct Admin is one of the strongest and best control panels available for Linux servers. Using this software, users can manage all the features of their site, including emails, databases, FTP, statistics, etc. Since this software is Canadian, like American control panels such as cPanel, etc., it has a lower risk of sanctions and license termination. Many server administrators migrated to Direct Admin after the sanctions imposed on cPanel. In general, Direct Admin is one of the famous hosting panels among users due to its ease of use, high speed, stability and lack of sanctions. Lx Admin One of the most unknown control panels that can be mentioned is Lx Admin, which is used in Iran's hosting markets, but you need to know because the cost of using it is small. In the future, it may be considered as the biggest competitor of Cpanel and Plesk. This control panel can be installed on Linux and has full facilities for managing website resources. Differences between regular and competitive hosts So far, we have compared the overall structure of the hosts in terms of hardware and software, but one point that is very important for competitive sites is the difference between normal and competitive hosts. What is the difference between competitive hosting and regular hosting? In normal hosts, cheaper hardware with lower technology is used and these hosts do not have professional configuration in web server, database, but competitive hosts use high-quality hardware with better technology and better brands of processors, RAMs. They use SSD with high speed and also their web server is strong and has high speed. Of course, the costs of competitive hosts are higher than regular hosts because the use of high-quality hosting is more expensive. When your website is placed on competitive hosts, its loading speed increases and as a result, the site's rank increases.


The hosting companies have categorized the hosts in different plans according to the customer's needs in using resources and technologies, so before ordering the hosting, you should have enough information about the technical specifications of your site and then according to the needs of the hosting. Order the comment. Basically, the payment of hosting fees is the same as the annual domain, and you can renew it every year. If you do not renew the hosting, your information will be lost, and even if you renew the domain, the information will no longer be displayed, so it is recommended that you be responsible for the support of your site. Leave it to the experts.

Source: Itroz blog

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