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The seventh training session of the WordPress management panel

The seventh training session of the WordPress management panel

We are with you with the video of the seventh training session of the WordPress management panel. Let's review it with the

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We are with you with the video of the seventh training session of the WordPress management panel .



We have almost reached the middle of the training series of this series and we have tried to explain each and every part to you completely.

In the previous tutorials, the main parts were mentioned, and in the following we want to deal with minor but important parts.

The seventh training session of the WordPress management panel

In this tutorial, we want to talk about widgets. Widgets are boxes that can be used in different parts of the page.

As mentioned, widgets are boxes to which you can add features. As you can see in the video, in the professional form of J News, we have four widgets in the footer, and we add features inside each one.

What are the features of widgets?

As you can see in the display and widgets section of the WordPress menu, there are some widgets in all templates because they are WordPress widgets, but others that are for the template change when the template is changed.

In professional templates, it adds its own widgets in this section, which you can use its features.

But the following are among the most used tools:

  • Custom HTML: Using this widget, you can use HTML codes in the template.
  • Tag Cloud: By adding this section, the most useful tags will be displayed. Of course, if you have already added tags to the site.
  • Search: Selecting this option will display the search box to find content on the site.
  • Categories: When you activate this item, categories will be displayed on the site. But if you want to create a menu, the option below is your solution.
  • Navigation list: One of the most useful features of the widget, which we have fully explained in the video. This item is very useful for footer design. Through the strategic list, you can display the created list in the specified area.
  • Text: It is useful to write about us or the address and phone number.
  • New posts: By selecting this option, the latest published posts will be displayed.

We are with you with the seventh training session of the WordPress management panel, and the video of this training is available at the end of the article.

We have described the most important widgets above, but the next thing is the place or place to use the widgets, which is fully explained in the video.

Gadget management training

As Masha says in the picture, text widgets, new entries and cloud tags are used in the footer.

In the video tutorial below, we check the features of the widgets and explain them all to you. You can share your questions with us through the comment section at the bottom of the page.

Source » Itroz Academy

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