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The difference between a premium template and a custom website design

The difference between a premium template and a custom website design

Examining the difference between the premium template and custom website design, the advantages and disadvantages 

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Examining the difference between premium template and custom website design advantages and disadvantages of ready and exclusive website template design with Itrooz Academy. In the previous articles Site Template Design, we reviewed the site template, it was fully explained. How are the sites designed and what technologies are used for it. Then we checked the free and premium themes and regarding the difference between free and premium site templates Premium is fully explained. Now with Itroz Academy, by checking the difference between premium format and custom website design.

Premium Template

If you have been with the previous content of website design, you know that premium templates are professional website templates that you can easily manage the website and make changes in the website sections through these templates. Most of the premium templates are complete and have several templates in their different sections. For example, several templates have been designed for the site header, the same for the footer and related sections. In this article, we do not want to review the premium format because it has been reviewed in previous articles. In this article, we only wanted to mention the premium format and compare it with custom website design.

Custom site design

Custom website design is called website design, which is specially designed for you. To get complete information, you can read the custom website design article. The exclusive design of the template brings advantages that we will discuss in the review of the differences.

Difference between premium template and custom website design

As mentioned, premium templates are designed for mass sales and contain many features. Many of these facilities are used and many others are not used. Many templates of different sections can be used and some cannot be used because you finally choose a template for your header or for other sections, so other templates remain unused.

Site speed

On the one hand, the many features of premium formats are considered an advantage, on the other hand, it is a great benefit. In order to use various features and designs in the template, programming, coding and scripts must be added, and this causes the template to become heavy and slow down. If you carefully check the premium templates, you will see that they are heavy templates and they must be SEO for competition. If we want to have something to say about premium sites in the competitive market, we must SEO that format. But in designing a custom website, the speed of the site cannot be compared with the speed of premium templates, because in the design of a custom template, the template is designed specifically and functionally for your business, and all the coding and scripts of the site are written according to your needs. A large amount of site source has been removed and your template is light and fast in addition to its beautiful appearance. For example, the Itroz website template is specially designed. Although our website is a specialized site and we use more scripts than normal sites, the speed of the site is very fast due to the use of images, graphics and scripts. Iteros site speed As you can see in the above picture, the speed of the Iteros exclusive template has been checked by the second reliable Ping Tools site and the site loading speed is one second and ninety-seven hundredths of a second. You can test and compare other premium templates through this site. to do

SEO site optimization

In custom website design, website optimization or basic SEO is done completely and in the best way. In premium formats, it is not possible to change due to the multi-layer design, and the site cannot be completely SEO. For example, you can compare the SEO rank of Iteros site obtained through the reliable site with the rank of premium sites. In the green bar of the image below, you can see the SEO rank of Itrooz site, which is 99 out of 100%. SEO checker of Itrouz site

Exclusive and clean design

The next difference is the limitation in design. For example, premium templates are offered in several designs and only some parts can be changed. You will be able to use it alone, but in custom website design, the template will be designed according to the taste and graphic standards of your organization. In the exclusive design of the site, the template is light and the template is designed according to your wishes. The codings are error-free, unlike the premium sites, whose codings have errors. For example, we checked the site of Itroz through the reliable organization w3, and you can see the result of the check through the link below. You will see that the entire site is without coding errors. conclusion To have a competitive website and earn money through the Internet, you need a professional website with competitive features. To fulfill this demand, premium sites alone are not efficient and need to be optimized. Optimizing premium templates will eliminate their weaknesses and turn the site into a competitive site. Another way is to design a customized template and a dedicated template, which is designed according to your taste and opinion, and is fully optimized and SEO, and can be a strong template for competition in the virtual space. The result obtained from the ranking of the site in Alexa and Google is directly related to the optimization of the site and its SEO.  

Source » Itroz Academy

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