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What is an advertisement report?

What is an advertisement report?

Reportage ads are usually advertisements that are published in the form of news, so it will attract more attention from 

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Report ads are usually advertisements that are published in the form of news, so it will attract more attention from the audience, and also because the news is published on reputable sites, users will have more trust in the person or brand. Next, I will check the advertisement report with Itroz.

What is an advertisement report?

Advertisement reportage (in English: advertorial) is a form of advertisement that is presented in the form of a report. That is, media audiences assume they are being presented with an unbiased report, when what they see, hear, and read is actually an organized effort to reinforce the subjective aspects of a product or service in their minds. The term advertisement reportage was first added to the media critical literature in 1945. Due to the audience's trust in the media, reportage ads are very effective, and for this reason, very strict laws against reportage ads have been passed in developed countries. The International Trade Court, in its advertisement law, which was approved in 1997, requires the identification of advertisements so that the audience can recognize them. In recent years, prominent cases of this phenomenon have been observed on Iranian state television, including the program of Amo Pourang, which is presented by Dariush Faziai. It was prepared and named. After that, there are other cases of advertisement reportage in Iranian media that have forced critics to demand the adoption of laws to deal with advertisement reportage.

Objectives of advertisement reporting

Classified reporting basically combines the benefits of traditional print advertising with feature articles written by a news reporter. Featured stories often feature more and more specific features about your company or products than traditional ads. However, you have less control over what gets printed. By paying more for the space dedicated to your content, you have total power and control over the overall message, which means you are fully capable of pointing out the benefits of products and services or presenting an effective story or narrative. This is the field.

Effect of advertisement reporting

Report ads are usually advertisements that are published in the form of news, so it will attract more attention from the audience, and also because the news is published on reputable sites, users will have more trust in the person or brand. In addition to the great effect of this method of advertising in increasing customers, advertisement reporting is also very important in terms of improving the ranking of the site in Google and increasing website visits. The reason is that in some parts of the news text, one or more keywords are linked to the advertiser's site.

Source » Itroz Blog

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